Mentacide Part 2 Volume 9



As Afrikan warrior scholars we are at a distinct disadvantage.  Often, watching Europeans being their natural unnatural selves and mentacidal Afrikans with no sense of self openly flaunting their self-hatred alongside them, is like being a passenger in a fatal auto accident, moving in slow motion, without the power of decision, unable to alter the course of what’s happening, watching the wreck unfold, slowly, surely.  As long as we continnue to feel we are held captive within someone else’s cold, cruel cultural vacuum, we will continue to succumb to their will.  If we do not break free of their tenacious hold we will become destroyed because we will cease to exist as Afrikans.  This lecture is about breaking free.
Many in our community act agains their brothers and sisters by lying, cheating and stealing from them under the cloak of being Afrikan.  These corrupters will be with us until we return to power.  This is the warning to them and the call for conscious Afrikans to never let confused Afrikans take away our birthright to be revolutionary.