Mentacide Part 2 Volume 8



In a world where the number of fathers present in Afrikan homes is steadily decreasing, after having already passed the critical stage, there is an even greater need for revolutionary Afrikan men to speak with our daughters.  This talk is just that, a conversation between Mwalimu Baruti and our daughters.  it is full of the advice, warnings, motivation, directions and expressed love that daughters need to hear and feel from their community of fathers.  Baruti takes them back into their ancestral record and responsibilities as women, warriors in their own right, by explain in detail that they are one with our past.  He instructs them that they must thoroughly study our Way and know that their greatest stories and traditions lie far beyond these shores in both time and space.  But the message goes even further.  In no uncertain terms, they are told that they must recognize and honor the fact that being conscious of being Afrikan and what that ourstorically means is vital to our survival as a people.  Our daughters have a weighty responsibility as the new vanguard, as our people’s healers and here they are told why.