Mentacide Part 1 Volume 3



Why are so many young, healthy Afrikan males committing suicide?  Why are more and more teen and preteen males in our community killing themselves before their time, before they have even begun to live and realize their power?  Is it because they come equipped with less inner strength than others in this tough game of life and just cannot handle its trials and tribulations?  Or should we look to the anxiety-inducing society and culture in which they have been forced to assimilate for answers to this crippling and growing phenomenon?  In a comparative analysis of Afrikan and european mentalities toward life, living and spirituality, Baruti looks at why our sons are increasingly dying at their own hands.  He delves deeply into the question of why Afrikan youth are more prone to suicidal thought and behavior in an anti-Afrikan, eurocentric society and the role that racial-culturally different methods for coping with inordinate levels of stress play in Afrikan youth disproportionately finding themselves gravitating toward suicidal solutions to what might otherwise appear as everyday problems.