Eureason DVD Volume 6: Irreconcilable Differences


Irreconcilable Differences

Cheikh Anta Diop’s “Two Cradle Theory,” which explains the racial and personality differences of Afrikans and Europeans based on where the two groups began and evolved as people, is the foundation of the “Irreconcilable Differences” lecture. Expanding and extending this theory as a reasonable analytical tool for today’s racial frontlines, Mwalimu Baruti focuses on what essential genocultural (those cultural traits which have become genetically fused into a people) differences distinguish Afrikans from Europeans. He painstakingly details those things, traits, imperatives and ways which make Afrikans and Europeans fundamentally incompatible at the most basic cultural level. Baruti even goes further to describe where following the culturally misorienting imperatives of someone other than our Ancestors has been leading us.